Diet Fitness

More exercise required after eating fast food


More exercise required after eating fast food

If you eat fast food lunch calorie burners made it hard, you will have more, because, according to a study to be more energy to reduce calories, exercise and time are required. 

Sydney-based George Institute for Global Health researchers in the list released by the growing use of special recipes designed to burn calories and exercise and time information is given.

About one-quarter of the recipes in this research was to examine the burgers, salads, sandwiches, pizzas etc. included dishes. Australian calories a day on average consume only 8,700 kilojoules. Their food, two thousand
KJ do not need more calories, which is to walk 90 minutes to reduce.

Dr. Kristina Peterson Institute of Food Policy Division, said in a statement, on average only 30 minutes a day of physical labor in Australia people who get this kind of food is not enough to burn the calories. 

Peterson said, office workers and other people should take food from home rather than eat out. It makes you better be able to see more of what you are eating and how much.

He said, if you order food from outside are still aware that you are what you eat. Small changes in weight management food lists are helpful large.

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